Hi Bill,

You do not have to program a new colorscheme. If you run this command:

  :source $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/hitest.vim

... you will get a window containing all the highlighting colours used by Vim. 
There's hundreds of colours listed, but there are prossibly only two that you
want to change, under the 'Syntax Highlighting Groups' section.  Add something
like this to your ~/.vimrc

  " change default colors for color terminal
  highlight Comment ctermfg=Blue cterm=Underline
  highlight Identifier ctermfg=Red cterm=Bold

  " change default colors for GUI
  highlight Comment guifg=Blue gui=Underline
  highlight Identifier guifg=Red gui=Bold

It shouldn't be too difficult to change those colors to something which works
for you.  I hope you don't have to go back to using Vim 6.4.

> I am afraid that I have to agree with the complaint against drastically
> changing the default color scheme. As a sight-impaired user I relied on the
> color scheme that I was using before version 7.0. I did not create it myself;
> I developed my own convention for using the color scheme that was there as a
> default.
> Now that the colors have change in a bad way (e.g. PERL comments are the same
> color as PERL variables) I do not have time to invest in learning how to
> program a new color scheme. My only solution right now is to try to uninstall
> VIM and reinstall the old version.

I can see your point and it is concerning that the colour change is enough to
force you to go back to Vim 6.4, but Bram (or any software package author) must
reserve privileges to change things and make them the default, otherwise
everyone gets a Vim 7.0 which behaves exactly like 6.4 and 70% of the user base
doesn't have the time or knowledge to find and activate the new features.  I
regularly confront this issue as I write the PHP syntax as I must decided
whether to A) make a feature ON by default and frustrate lots of people; or B)
make a feature OFF by default so that no one gets annoyed, but risk that many
people will miss out on that feature because they don't know how to turn it on.



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