:bufdo if bufname("%")=~?'.exe$' | bdel | endif

     I think you want to escape the dot:

        :bufdo if bufname("%") =~? '\.exe$' | bdel | endif

Oh, so correct. My error. It's one of those subtle things that works just fine until it bites you in the bum when one has file extensions such as the hypothetical "filename.annexe" (a quick grep of my /usr/share/dict/british-english returned that as the only word ending in "exe")

(Optional spaces added because I find it more readable that way.)

yes, if I have to come back and read my code later, extra spaces are a nice touch...but for these one-line run-it-and-forget-it things, I tend to be a little more compact (a genteel way of saying "lazy" :)


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