Okay, here's a couple of versions depending upon which version of vim you have. 
 I don't know if it's universal, but my installation of version 6.3 has a 
non-functioning getcmdline command, and vim7 adds a useful new command, 
getcmdtype, hence:

" Get path to current file in command-line using comma
if v:version >= 700
  " Use getcmdtype, new to 700, but disallow on "set" and "let"
  cnoremap , <c-r>=getcmdtype()==':'&&match(getcmdline(),'\v(^\| 
)(se\|set\|let) ')==-1?expand('%:h').'/':','<cr>
elseif v:version > 603
  " No getcmdtype function, allow on e/sp/vsp commands only, vert sp should 
also work
  cnoremap , <c-r>=match(getcmdline(),'\v^(vert \|)(e\|v?sp) 
  " Seems to be a bug in getcmdline in my vim 6.3 - use the simple method
  cnoremap , <c-r>=expand('%:h')<cr>/

Hope the email program doesn't bugger that up too much, and as always, 
customise it for your needs.


On Thursday 20 July 2006 11:50, John Orr wrote:
> On Thursday 20 July 2006 11:10, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > What is the easiest way to edit a file that is in the same directory as
> > the current file? E.g. I open a file like this: vim /x/y/z/w/file1.c and
> > want to now open /x/y/z/w/file2.c? Occasionally want to open files in
> > the parent directory of current file's directory. It would be nice if
> > there is a special character like "," which starts from the current
> > buffer's directory. So ":e ,/file2.c" would work. Or maybe "~~" double
> > tilda character if "," doesn't work...
> A while back I defined the mapping
> cmap , <c-r>=expand('%:h')<cr>/
> which kind of does what you suggested - it inserts the path to the current 
> file when you type a comma in the command line.  I've found it very useful.
> For what I'm doing at present, it suits me to have it.  But it does mean that 
> when I want a real comma (eg in a search pattern, or a :set command) I have 
> to use Ctrl-v or Ctrl-q first.
> I guess it could easily be improved call a function which checks the command 
> line to see if it starts with
> :e, :sp, and whatever else is appropriate - and otherwise inserts a regular 
> comma.  I'll let you know if I get around to it.
> John

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