On Wed, 12 Jul 2006, Dr Bean wrote:

> On Wed, 12 Jul 2006, Hakim Cassimally wrote:

> > Also... at the moment the script in the manpage doesn't have a mapping
> > to refresh the tags file.  If you defined the sub after opening the
> > file, it won't be seen until you close and reopen.  (I'll probably fix
> > this soon, but patches welcome :-)

> Making s:do_tags a global function, Do_tags allows you to call it
> yourself, call Do_tags(expand('%')).

> I don't understand why this doesn't work when you source
> perl.vim.

This autocommand refreshes the tags file when you write, but the
tags you have last written are the last ones you want to jump
to, so I don't think it is much use.

        augroup perltags

        autocmd BufWritePost *.pm,*.pl call s:do_tags(expand('%'))

        augroup END

I am more worried that Module::Locate doesn't find modules in lib/ and t/

Dr Bean                          You can lead a horse to water,
                                 but you can't make it drink
                                 unless you gallop it round first.

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