>>     Would you be satisfied with changing the background color for
>>spaces?  Step 1:
> Ah, that's an idea.  Just "/ " to search for spaces (assumes
> highlighting's turned on), and they'll all be highlighted.  He wants to
> turn off highlighting, just "/qqq" or something.
> Else maybe tweak the font to change space to · or something.
> Thing is, change the font to something else, and that goes away, and
> he'd have to tweak the font for that as well.
> Eg, if he's using Lucida console 10pt, make a copy of the font, rename
> to something else ("Lucidaspace" or whatever), edit the font to change
> the space char, then when you want visispaces, just font your way to
> that.  Want invisispaces again, change back to the normal Lucida font.

I prefer "/;;" to turn off highlighting. the keys are right next to each
other and never happen in any languages I use.

For spaces, maybe not exactly the same thing, but I have a .vim to color
every three out of four leading spaces as magenta underline (in a
non-expandtab file).  The file also points out a lot of other spacing issues.

Activate this anywhere that doesn't have a strict real-tab rule and
you'll see all the inconsistancies light up.  The blue underlines
between words are ok and just there to help line up widely spaced tables.
I should probably add something to ignore the two spaces between
sentences in prose.


syn match       newtab                  "[\t]\+$" containedin=ALL
syn match       spacereturn             "[ ]$" containedin=ALL
syn match       spacetab                "[ ]\t"me=e-1 containedin=ALL
syn match       tabspace                "\t[ ]\+"lc=1 containedin=ALL
syn match       tabtab                  "[ -'*-Z^-z|~]\t\t\t*[ 
syn match       leadspace               "[ ][ ]"lc=1 contained
syn match       pairspace               "[ ][ ]"hs=s+1 contained 
syn match       quadspace               "[ ][ ][ ][ ]"hs=s+1 contained
syn match       pairstart               "^[ ][ ]"hs=s+1 
syn match       quadstart               "^[ ][ ][ ][ ]"hs=s+1
syn     match   spaces                  "[^ ][ ]\{2,}"lc=1

hi spacetab                     ctermfg=Red             guifg=red               
gui=underline   cterm=underline
hi tabspace                     ctermfg=Red             guifg=red               
gui=underline   cterm=underline
hi spacereturn          ctermfg=Red             guifg=red               
gui=underline   cterm=underline
hi newtab                       ctermfg=Blue    guifg=#8888FF   gui=underline   
hi tabtab                       ctermfg=Blue    guifg=#444488   gui=underline   

if &expandtab == 0
        hi quadspace            ctermfg=Magenta guifg=#440044   gui=underline   
        hi link quadspace       Normal
hi      link    pairstart       pairspace
hi      link    quadstart       quadspace

hi spaces                       ctermfg=DarkRed guifg=#550000   gui=underline   

hi pairspace            ctermfg=Yellow  guifg=#FFFF00   gui=underline   
hi link leadspace       pairspace

 ( \      _  \    /_ /  _ _  Jason Weber                  Glendale, CA
  \|(\/)()))  \/\/(-/_)(-/(  http://www.imonk.com/baboon  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  //                                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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