> :Robert

See :h quickfix ;)
:compiler perl
:set makeprg=perl 
:make test.pl)
If you want to add options to perl use set makeprg=perl\ --option\ blah
(escape whitespaces)
The quickfix cycle might remove some output.. depending on errorformat.

I was waiting for this question because :!perl foo doesn't do what you
want :)

See also :h compiler

If you don't want to look at scrolling lines try my runinbackground
script.. (http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1582)

I would also suggest to have some quick glances at :h  topics basic
editing, advanced editing... Much to read.. or hang around in #vim on
irc.freenode.net. You can learn much there...
You don't have to read everything but it should give you an idea of what
is there .. ;)

To took me over a year to learn many features of vim and then think
about "how can I really fast open the files I need ... and so on"

Just ask again we'll point to corresponding documentation.


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