Benji Fisher wrote:

On Tue, Jul 25, 2006 at 11:14:09AM -0400, Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:

I was trying :breakadd file 484 */visincr.vim and got

Breakpoint in "/home/cec/.vim/autoload/visincr.vim" line 484
Entering Debug mode.  Type "cont" to continue.
line 638: fun! s:Hex2Dec(hex)

The "Breakpoint in..." line looks right; however, why does the continue line
show line 638? The Hex2Dec() function is not being called within 20 lines of
line 484.  And, of course, its not where I wanted to stop and continue from.

Chip Campbell

    That sounds weird.  Maybe you have some other breakpoint defined?


I cannot reproduce this problem with $VIMRUNTIME/optwin.vim .

I've since solved the problem I was having with visincr; I admit that what with my Decho.vim library I seldom need to use vim's built-in debugger. The breakpoint was the only one.

Chip Campbell

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