Robert Cussons wrote:
Robert Cussons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 2006.07.21 19:19:56:

because this is the size I want my gvim window to be when it opens,
however as gvimdiff opens at least two buffers I would like it to open
full screen, is there a way of getting this to happen?

gvim 7 in windows part:

I also use gvim at home, but there I use gvim 7 on windows instead of
gvim 6.3 on debian. So I have a few questions:

How do I use gvimdiff in windows?

If I already have a gvim window open how do I launch a new separate
instance of gvim from inside the first window (without having to go to
the desktop and click the icon!)

Sorry this is more of a windows question than gvim: On my linux machine
running KDE I have Ctrl-Shift-G set up to launch gvim, is there a way to
set a keyboard shortcut in Windows XP to do the same?

Many thanks for any help,

If you want to maximize the window in Windows, here is the way:

    if has("gui_win32")       " NT Windows
        autocmd GUIEnter * :simalt ~x

Note that it should be wrapped inside an autocmd group, if you don't have
any autocmd inside your .vimrc, here is the way:
augroup vimrcEx
    " put your autocmd here.
augroup END

About diff mode: I use the following to test for diff mode, but I forget
why it works.
    let in_diff_mode = 0
    windo let in_diff_mode = in_diff_mode + &l:diff
    if in_diff_mode == 1
        " do something
        " do something else

About short-cut key for launch gvim? just create a shortcut on desktop or
start menu, then right click to change the properties, the short cut key
could be set there.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

A very late reply to this, thanks for the diff mode tip that works great on Linux, I will try it on windows later.

The short-cut key works, I had already tried it, but I was trying to type in the box rather than press the keys themselves, DOH! The only problem is that if you already have a gvim session running all the shortcut key does is maximize it, but nevermind, in that case I will just use what Tony suggested: !gvim


don't forget the initial colon


Best regards,

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