On 8/2/06, Charles E Campbell Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Robert Cussons wrote:

> Bernd Strohhäcker wrote:
>> try Charles Campell's vis-script:
>> http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1195
> Thanks for the pointer to this, it is a useful script, if Charles is
> out there today, just a little point, it doesn't seem to like 'c'
> being used in substitutions, don't know if you already new about that...

(messages somewhat abbreviated above)

The selected column does show up separately for a bit; however, when one
is done answering "y" or "n"
(etc), the amended column does get put back -- ie. the confirmed
substitution works.  That behavior is
fundamental to how vis.vim works.  It isolates the requested text block,
performs the operation, and inserts
the text block back.

Wow. Cute trick. I wondered how it is possible
to do block-scoped substitution at all.


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