On Mon 31-Jul-06 10:09am -0600, Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:

> Anyway, I've modified AsNeeded to defer to taglist for
> Tlist_ and Taglist_ functions in v14b.

Thanks for the update!  I've moved taglist to my AsNeeded
directory as you suggested.

taglist works well now except when a tag menu is requested
by the following setting (in my _vimrc):

    let Tlist_Show_Menu = 1

With taglist in plugins (and without AsNeeded.vim), the menu
worked fine.


Another minor point.  Using :MkAsNeeded produces error
messages, but appears to be working.  Here are the important
lines from :99verb MkAsNeeded

    line 61: silent 0r C:\vim\vimfiles\AsNeeded\AlignMaps.vim
    line 97: silent w! C:\vim\vimfiles/AsNeeded/ANtags
    "C:\vim\vimfiles/AsNeeded/ANtags" [New] 91L, 4915C written
    Error detected while processing function MakeANtags:
    line   97:
    E206: patchmode: can't touch empty original file


The only files remaining in my plugins are:


It may be possible to move the plugin files for netrw and
vimball, but not while they are in the system plugins.

I will "stress test" the files placed in AsNeeded and get
back to you (without copying to the list).  Some don't work
very well (even after running MkAsNeeded after placing them
in the AsNeeded directory.  Most of what I tried works
perfectly - this is a remarkable tool!

Best regards,

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