Thanks everyone for your help on this! The advice below seems to be all that I need.

I forgot to ask one last thing - if I'm searching for something in a text file, can I have vim select every existing string that matches up to what I've typed at that point? Meaning, if the first two characters of what I'm looking for are "va", all "va" gets highlighted as I type, then when I add "ria" to that, all "varia" strings get highlighted.


On Aug 3, 2006, at 7:25 PM, Benji Fisher wrote:
This has been requested before, but it is not implemented and I do
not expect that it will be added any time soon.  The problem is how to
define a region, when lines can be added, removed, or deleted at will.
If you have a satisfactory answer to this question, you can fake a
"region-undo" as follows.  Delete the region to be changed; undo 9999
levels, or however many you choose; yank the "same" region; redo 9999
levels; paste.  If you have a simple description of what constitutes a
region, you could define a mapping or menu item to do this conveniently.

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