Hi Tony,

* A.J.Mechelynck on Saturday, August 05, 2006 at 01:25:22 +0200:
> Christian Ebert wrote:
> >* A.J.Mechelynck on Friday, August 04, 2006 at 19:51:53 +0200:
> >>You may want to determine which script or plugin is responsible: search 
> >>for the word "sign" (i.e. the pattern /\<sign\>/ ) in the scripts listed 
> >>in the output of the ":scriptnames" command.
> >
> >How exactly do you search the output of ":scriptnames"?
> You may write it to a file or a register (see :help :redir)

This was the answer I was expecting, but you wrote a whole
manual! Thank you very much; this is really kind.

For the impatient I have a little oneliner:

:new | redi @"> | sil scrip | pu! | 0 d

that opens a new window with the output of :scriptnames

[ hm, one could make a nice function and command by extending
that ]

> - look what Vim answers when you say ":scriptnames"
> - if some script seems particularly suspect, load it, e.g.

and then you can go to a suspicious file under the cursor with

Thanks again.

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  • Search messages (was: What is the information in the leftm... Christian Ebert

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