Seems vim still lack of these two features.

Thanks everybody

2006/8/11, Bob Hiestand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
On 8/10/06, Marc Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 10, 2006 at 11:02:50PM +0800, Eddy Zhao wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> >  Very often, I open a lot of files to edit. When I exiting vim, vim
> > prompt me to save every file which contain changes not saved yet. So,
> >
> >  - Is there plugin that could highlight the
> > changed-yet-not-saved-lines (possibly with yellow background), so that
> > I could easily locate and check those changes and decide whether to
> > save it or not.
> >
> >  - Furthermore, is there plugin that could highlight the
> > changed-and-saved-lines in a vim session in the file (possibly with
> > green background), so that I could easily audit all changes of a file
> > in a vim edit session.
> >
> >   BTW, this feature is borrowed from a commercial editor I tried
> > sometime ago, and find very useful when editing a lot of source code
> > files.
> I would have proposed using the  diff commands, too..
> (See DiffWithFileOnDisk in my privious post.....)
> Perhaps it would be better to save to tempname() because those files
> will be deleted automatically..

I think Tim's method is better in that it doesn't require a file at
all.  Depending on personal preference, it might be better to
explicitly make the diff buffer a scratch buffer, in something like
the following:

command! -nargs=0 ShowDifferences
      \ let ShowDifferencesOriginalBuffer=bufnr('%')
      \|execute 'bufdo diffoff'
      \|execute 'buffer' ShowDifferencesOriginalBuffer
      \|unlet ShowDifferencesOriginalBuffer
      \|below vert new
      \|set buftype=nofile noswapfile bufhidden=wipe
      \|r #

There's a little extra there to clear diff mode from other buffers to
avoid including more than the two intended buffers in the diff mode.

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