In addition to the other responses, you can open the buffer you are
working with in a new tab, then close the tab when you are done working
on it in an exclusive manner.

On Thu, 2006-08-10 at 10:44 -0700, Steve Amerige wrote:
> Hi all,
> The ability to split windows is an absolute essential; however, there are 
> times when I want to focus on one buffer in one window and 
> hide all of the other windows.  But, I don't know of any show/hide feature 
> that hides all windows but the current window.  As a 
> workaround, I resize all of the windows to give maximum space to the window I 
> want to see, but this then makes me resize all of the 
> windows again when I want to restore the windows.
> So, by any chance, is this a feature that is already implemented and I don't 
> know of it?
> Or, can it be put on a wishlist?  If so, here's how I imagine it could work:
> Some keystroke does the toggle for show/hide inactive windows (non-current 
> windows).  Also, a statusline entry is available that can 
> be used as a visible reminder that the inactive windows are hidden.
> Feedback?
> Thanks,
> Steve Amerige
> Adobe Systems Incorporated 

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