Hi Hari:

Problem reported yesterday

- "calling LookupNotifyFunc prematurely" problem seems solved

- "path is very long" problem seems solved

Problem found today (using the new plugin)

- Without "set shellslash", open one file manually, open lookupfile window,
  the path's backward slash is not replaced by forward slash

- Sometimes, the following error msg popup when open file thru lookupfile
  (after that file is opened successfully). The problem can't be reproduced
  everytime (and can't find out how to reproduce it, I haven't seem
this problem
  when using the previous version plugin)

        Error detected while processing function
        line    10:
        E31: No such mapping
        E31: No such mapping

- Sometimes, after I open one file manually, and then open lookupfile window,
  directory path is not updated with the newly opened file's path.
The problem can't be
  reproduced everytime (and can't find out how to reproduce it,
previous version plugin
  also have this problem)

New feature request

- Directory in showed in directory-content-window is postfixed by
"/", but the "/" is
  too far from the path name. It might be more eye easy to postfix
directory name with
  "/" directly after it.


2006/8/15, Hari Krishna Dara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On Mon, 14 Aug 2006 at 9:02pm, Eddy Zhao wrote:

> Hi Hari:
> Problems reported yesterday
>  - Put the "set shellslash" in vimrc solves most of the backward-slash
>    May be it's worth mention in the plugin doc.

I think a better option is to replace backslashes with forwardslashes in
the plugin itself. If <Tab> inserted path with the right slashes, you
wouldn't have faced this problem, so this is a bug in lookupfile.

>  - I can't reproduce the "Press TAB, C-b, find a lot of error message"
> problem today,
>    I'll report the problem when I find the way to reproduce it.


>  - MRU.vim provide history to files (not buffers) recently used. It is
> especially
>    useful in switching between serveral frequently accessed
> directories (even between
>    vim sessions). Combined with current lookupfile, user can locate
> file even more
>    effeciently.

I looked at this plugin. It doesn't provide any interface to access this
list programmatically, so we need to somehow get this patched up.

> Problems find today
>  - When path is very long (exceed screen width), find
> directory-content-window's filelist is messed up

This seems to be a bug in completion. As a workaround, I am going to
enable 'wrap' in this buffer. This seems to avoid the problem, though
you will not then utilize the screen real estate properly.

>  - Input wrong path, RETURN, find input focus is automatically move to
> the line beginning. It's more desirable that the input focus remain at
> line end to facilitate user correct the last path segment
>  - Input wrong path, RETURN, move to line end and delete the last path
> segment, input correct path segment keyword, find popup-match-window
> not showup
>  - Input wrong path, RETURN, move to line end and delete the last path
> segment, input intact correct path segment (not path keyword), RETURN,
> find an empty buffer opened (instead of popup
> directory-content-window)
>  - Sometimes, the following error msg popup serveral times when open
> file thru lookupfile (after that file is opened successfully). The
> problem can't be reproduced everytime (and can't find out how to
> reproduce it)
>       Error detected while processing function
> <SNR>74_AcceptFile..<SNR>33_IdoAccept..lookupfile#AcceptFile:
>       line    15:
>       E121: Undefined variable: g:LookupFile_LookupNotifyFunc

All the above problems are due to calling LookupNotifyFunc prematurely,
which is doing an internal reset. I now moved the call to a different
location, and now it will reset only when the validation has already
been done.

>     My vimrc configuration is
>       command! WalkCur :exec "LUWalk" expand('%:p:h').'/'
>       nmap <unique> <silent> w :WalkCur<CR>
>       nmap <unique> <silent> b :LUBufs<CR>
>       let g:LookupFile_PreserveLastPattern=0
>       let g:LookupFile_AlwaysAcceptFirst=1
>       let g:LookupFile_FileFilter =
> '\.class$\|\.o$\|\.obj$\|\.exe$\|\.jar$\|\.zip$\|\.war$\|\.tgz$\|\.ear$'
> Thanks
> Eddy

Thanks for your feedback. I now updated the version at the below URL, so
please give it another try:



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