On Wed, Aug 09, 2006 at 07:36:26PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> At home my matchit works, but not at work.
> My debugging is so far:
> :sourcing matchit by hand
> :set verbose=15
> - placing cursor on an If of an If/End If block
> - pressing %
> -> calls of Function 4_Match_wrapper are shown by verbose,
>       the last lines are:
>       line 23:   return 0
>       function <SNR>4_Match_wrapper..<SNR>4_CleanUp returning #0
>       continuing in function <SNR>4_Match_wrapper
>       function <SNR>4_Match_wrapper returning #0      
> -> If there is a bracket pair () at the same line, the cursor 
>       goes to the closing bracket, but not to the corresponding item.
>       If there are no brackets, vim does *nothing*.
> Anyone has a further clue for debugging?
> Thank You
> Joachim
> (vim 6.2 , matchit 1.11)

     For the sake of lurkers:  matchit.vim is included in the standard
distribution under $VIMRUNTIME/macros/ .  It gives improved matching
with the % key.

     After you :source matchit.vim, the % key is mapped to call a
function, and this part seems to be working properly.  That function
then looks for the variable b:match_words to decide what to do.  If you
look at the 23'rd line of the function (as the debug output suggests)
you will see

  elseif !exists("b:match_words") || b:match_words == ""
    silent! normal! %
    return s:CleanUp(restore_options, a:mode, startline, startcol)

so it seems that b:match_words has not been defined.  To confirm, try

:echo b:match_words

and look for an error message.

     Usually b:match_words is defined by the ftplugin files.  Do you
have a line like

  filetype plugin indent on

in your vimrc file?  Or use


and see whether you are loading an ftplugin file for the current buffer.
It is also possible that, since you are using a recent version of
matchit.vim and an old version of vim, that neither the script nor the
ftplugin includes support for your language.

HTH                                     --Benji Fisher

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