On Tue, Aug 15, 2006 at 08:49:51PM EDT, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
> cga2000 wrote:
> >
> >What's "cul"..?
> >
> It's an option which is new in version 7.
> In version 7 Vim, ":help cul", or, more properly, ":help 'cul'", shows 
> the help for the 'cursorline' option. There is also a 'cursorcolumn' 
> (aka 'cuc') option. These are boolean options; when on, the cursor line 
> and/or the cursor column are highlighted with a different highlight 
> group than the default "Normal" group, helping you to easily find your 
> cursor if the blinking isn't enough for you.
Thanks much for answering. 

Yet another reason why I should be upgrading.



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