
 finally I found (nearly) what I am searching for...but...

 I wanted a command which after doing a y$ from in the midth of a
 line, puts my yanked text after the end of the line and the cursor
 right after the put text.

 The help of "gP" states (my im is "nocompatible"):

 ["x]gP                 Just like "P", but leave the cursor just after the new
                            text.  {not in Vi}

 But it seems I understand the help wrongly. Example:

   This is a very boring example of a line.

 (x=position of the cursor)

 I do a y$gP and the line looks like:

   This is a very boring example of a line.a very boring example of a line.

 The help says:
                  ...but leave the cursor just after the *new*

 What did I so wrong here ? What did I misundertstand ?

 Keep hacking!


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