On Fri, Aug 18, 2006 at 10:36:32AM +0200, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
> steven woody wrote:
> >i use vim on both linux and windows. but i found their indentation
> >behavior a little differently.
> >
> >say i was coding a c program on the below line
> >
> >void  foo_fun( int p1
> >
> >then i press return on linux, the cursor come to a pleasant position,
> >that became,
> >
> >void foo_fun( int p1
> >                       , int p2 );
> >
> >but when i was on windows and do the same thing, it became
> >
> >void foo_fun( int p1
> >, int p2 );
> >
> >and i dont like that.
> >
> >i compared .vimrc files on linux and windows, but got nothing.  so i
> >am wandering whether someone here got know a setting which helps.
> >
> >thanks.
> >
> there are some options which might be relevant, like 'cindent' and 
> 'indentexpr'. You might also want to check ":filetype" (without 
> arguments) to see if filetype-related indentation is or isn't "on" on 
> both sides.
> Best regards,
> Tony.

     Also check the output of


If one system has version 6.x of vim and the other has 7.0, that could
explain a lot of differences.  You will also see (after the feature
list) the location of the system vimrc file, if any.  You should compare
those (if they exist) as well as your personal vimrc files on the two

HTH                                     --Benji Fisher

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