
Another way to get around this is to add something like this to your _vimrc:

  augroup MyColors
  au ColorScheme * highlight Comment guifg=Darkgreen
  au ColorScheme * highlight Identifier guifg=Blue
  [ ... etc ... ]
  augroup end

  " execute the commands now in case they aren't triggered immediately:
  do MyColors ColorScheme

Each time colors are reloaded (like when you use ':syn on'), the highlight
commands will be executed.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hello,
> in my old gvim62 installation I do a few highlight commands in the
> $VIM/_gvimrc:
> highlight Comment guifg=DarkGreen guibg=background
> ...
> Now in my new vim70 installation this seems to be overwritten somewhere.
> The _gvimrc *is* sourced (-> :scriptnames)
> If I do the highlight command manually it works.
> Where may the highlight be overwritten resp. where should I place the
> highlight command instead?
> Thank You
> Joachim
> [gvim70 WinXP]
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