Yukihiro Nakadaira wrote:

> This is old subject but I think this report might help someone.
> When using GTK2 GUI and XIM and GTK_IM_MODULE=scim, one undo command undoes
> several insert command because undo sequence is not broken.  And also it
> causes error E438.  This is because ...
> 1. scim doesn't invoke im_preedit_start_cb() and im_preedit_end_cb(), so the
>    xim_has_preediting can be reset in im_preedit_changed_cb() only.
> 2. To delete preedit, scim invoke im_preedit_changed_cb() with empty
>    preedit string only one time.  But at the time preedit_start_col is not
>    MAXCOL and xim_is_preediting is not reset.
> Therefore xim_is_preediting is always TRUE and undo sequence is not broken
> (u_sync() is canceled).
> This problem can be avoided to use OverTheSpot instead of OnTheSpot (this
> can be set with scim-setup), or to set environment variables,
> GTK_IM_MODULE=xim and [EMAIL PROTECTED], or to use the following
> patch.  The code around there was added at 6.2.451.  I don't
> understand why checking if preedit_start_col is MAXCOL.  I think that
> the line can be removed.

Most of the variables involved aren't properly explained, thus I can't
oversee what happens here.  I'll assume your fix is right and doesn't
cause trouble for someone with another setup.

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254. You wake up daily with your keyboard printed on your forehead.

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