On Wed, 6 Sep 2006, Yakov Lerner wrote:

> Are you on Windows ? 
No way!
>On unix/linux, it's dubious you would lose
> viminfo contents (that' where cursor positions come from)
> when upgrading vim. I upgrade vim often, and I never lose
> cursor positions (linux).
Well, I did more than once, but I can't garantee the upgrading had
something to do with it. Maybe too much time passed before revisiting
the same file...
> Find out where is your viminfo file stored, and use
> n flag of 'viminfo' option (:help 'viminfo' and scroll down to flag n)
> to keep this file in the location which is not overwritten
> (like c:\viminfo )
Didn't know about that file. It's in ~/.viminfo.
I think a session file would be more appropriate. But the manual is not
clear to me: If I start vim as "vim -S vimbook.vim", will the file
vimbook.vim be automaticaly updated when exiting vim? 



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