Yakov Lerner wrote:
I have this question. Let's say my comp has no perl
installed, no python, and no ruby. I invoke ./configure, on this comp,
as follows:

./configure ---enable-perlinterp --enable-pythoninterp --enable-rubyinterp

What exactly will happen here :
  1) configure will succeed and make will succeed and will
      build vim with all interpreters disabled ?, or
  2) configure will fail and/or build will fail ?


Even if everything is enabled, if configure doesn't find the relevant "development" software it will disable the corresponding feature and proceed. Compiling will succeed without the feature. For instance, I have --enable-mzschemeinterp but no MzScheme installed: my Vim executable ends up with "-mzscheme" in the ":version" listing. (I also have --enable-perlinterp --enable-pythoninterp --enable-rubyinterp --enable-tclinterp but configure finds them and my executable gets them.) Configure will only fail if it cannot configure *any* Vim executable with the software it can locate on your computer; and (assuming that configure succeeds) make will only fail if the compiler or linker produce fatal errors, or if there is some needed target for which it cannot find a rule, or find or make a prerequisite.

So, after "make" or "make reconfig" but before "make install" you should issue "src/vim --version" to check that you have all the features that are important to you. If all omitted features are unimportant to you (like MzScheme for me), you may proceed to "make install", using the executable without the feature. If some feature important to you has been omitted, however, it is time to check why: usually it means you forgot to install the relevant "development" package.

Note: Of course, --enable-perlinterp should start with two dashes, not three.

Best regards,

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