Benji Fisher wrote:
On Fri, Sep 08, 2006 at 09:57:41AM +1000, Peter Hodge wrote:

Is it possible to run the clientserver feature on Mac OS X?  I cannot see
anywhere in the help that directly states that clientserver only runs on
Windows or X11.

     I am pretty sure that this is not implemented for OS X.  I agree
that the docs are not clear on this point, but I think that if you
scroll down from

:help +feature-list


:help +clientserver

you will find "Unix and Win32".  OK, so "Unix" includes Linux and maybe
FreeBSD but not OS X ... as I said, I agree that the docs are not clear.

                                        --Benji Fisher

I thought Unix _did_ include OS X; but maybe it should have said "X11 and W32" (can you use the -clientserver facility on a Unix without X11, such as a Linux running at runlevel 3 i.e. multiuser with network but without X11?)

BTW, remote.txt has three sections: "Common functionality", "X11 specific items" and "MS-Windows specific items" which make me suspect that there are exactly two "flavours" of Vim client-server subsystems, one for X11 and another one for MS-Windows.

Now, there does exist an X11 server for Mac Os X but I've heard some Mac users don't want to use it because (I've been told) applications running through the X server are not visible as distinct running Mac applications.

Best regards,

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