Tim's :foldd and :foldo suggestions are actually very good in
deed (didn't know about them), especially with the help of
tools to create folds and operate commands on them. I would
like to suggest you take a look at my foldutil.vim

I only learned about folddo(open|closed) in the year or so, and
they're handy to have in one's toolbelt.  I don't use 'em often,
but sometimes they're just the right tool for the job.

However, instead of adding scripts, I usually just define such
automated folds with

:set foldmethod=expr
:set foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)=~'regexp'

which will fold any lines matching 'regexp' (or change the "=~"
to "!~" if you want lines that *don't* match 'regexp').  These
can aso be added together, to allow for multiple conditions:

:set foldexpr=(getline(v:lnum)=~'rxp1')+(getline(v:lnum)=~'rxp2')

which will fold lines matchine either pattern (although I suspect
I'd usually just use

:set foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)=~'regex1\|regex2'

That is not true, you can have one line folded, however the
default value of 'foldminlines' is 1, which means single-line
folds are never shown as closed. You can however set this to

My turn to learn something new. :) Thanks! I've noticed the "only
two or more lines get folded" but never had the impetus to
investigate further to see if a fold could be made for only one
line, as folding only one line never made much sense before the
context of this thread.


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