Hi Yakov,

* Yakov Lerner on Saturday, September 23, 2006 at 21:01:30 +0300:
> If you can  do the following two steps, then
> you'll achieve what you want to obtain:
>    1) write your own decoder/encoder
> from/to your mixed utf-8+latin format (in perl, C or in whatever language)
> that just reads stdin and writes to stdout
>    2) setup autocmds analogously to  of :help hex-editing
> Then it will work. But. The real prolem is how the decoder
> would know which bytes are latin1 vs which bytes are utf-8.
> The same problem the encoder will have. You can solve it if you
> define 2 special "quoting" chars as markup chars that delimit
> latin1 parts.

For simple stuff \caps{latin1} would suffice. But in the real
virtual world it's easier to read from differently encoded files
by LaTeX' \input{latin1-file}.

> Looking for special "quoting" chars, encoder and decoder
> can do their work. Without "quoting chars" markup, it is
> impossible. Ok ?

Ok ;) See also my reply to Tony.

> Yakov "set ignorecase" Lerner


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