Hi, As VIM insists on getting Meta/Alt-keys as binary codes and not as a ESC-<key>-combination I tried first to revert the rest of my environment, which handles ESC-<key>-combinations well to what vim exspects. zsh and mrxvt have option to switch between both (would a solution for vim, too!). The Midnight Commander insists of getting ESC-<key>-combinations.
So I reverted everything back to the previous state (using <ESC>-key-combinations) and inserted: let c='a' while c != 'z' exec "set <M-".toupper(c).">=\e".c exec "imap \e".c." <M-".toupper(c).">" let c = nr2char(1+char2nr(c)) endw in the top of my ~/.vimrc. NOW F1 did the same as 1~ F2 does a 2~ F3 does a 3~ and so on (those are not mapped in any way and should do nothing therefore). F5++ acts normally. Oh, crazy world! I want to <esc>, too! :-/ Regardless what I am trying to do, I shoot into one of my feet, it seems. How can I solve the problem, without "infecting" the rest of my environment? Keep hacking! mcc