From: Mikolaj Machowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mapping of keysequences...
Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2006 15:09:56 +0200

> Dnia niedziela, 1 października 2006 14:54, Meino Christian Cramer napisał:
> > Hi,
> >
> >  is it possible to map the sequence of
> >
> >  <C-C><C-F>b
> >
> >  to anything (and how?)?
> >
> >  I tried as a first brute-force experiment
> >
> >  noremap  <C-C><C-F>b echo "works"
> If you want to print it in the buffer it should be::
>     noremap  <C-C><C-F>b iecho "works"
> If you want to echo it in command line::
>     noremap  <C-C><C-F>b :echo "works"
> Normal mode mappings begin in Normal mode, not Insert or Command-Line.
> m.

Hmmmppff....I got a problem here...

What I want is to insert the string "{\bf }" (TeX!) in a buffer. It
should work in insert mode. I want to press <C-C><C-F>b in insert mode
and it should print "{\bf }" at the place where currently the cursor

I did 

  inoremap <C-C><C-F>b iecho "{\bf }"

. And guess what happens? It prints "iecho {\bf }" into the buffer!
When using 'noremap' instead of 'inoremap' nothing happens. 

         :he iecho 

gives me simply nothing. Is there any needle in the haystack I can
search for?

Keep hacking!

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