On Sun, Oct 01, 2006 at 09:33:37AM EDT, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
> cga2000 wrote:
> [...]
> >.. sounds fishy .. in a cell terminal how could a character be between
> >characters.. except by being invisible?
> >
> >:-)
> >
> [...]
> Windows, even more than "modern" Unixes (those with X11), is GUI-oriented. 
> On Windows, IIUC, only old Dos hands like me, hackers, and Unix users ever 
> use the Dos Box. Other people use WYSIWYG interfaces like Word, and their 
> cursor is not a character, nor does it cover a character; it is a blinking 
> bar between characters. Gvim imitates that quite well, except that the gvim 
> cursor must always be thought of as being "on" a character, even in Insert 
> mode when it displays as a thin vertical bar on the left edge of the 
> character cell.

Very interesting.



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