samitj wrote:

I am a new vi user switching from emacs. Is it possible to use
up-down-left-right,backspace and delete in Vi in insert mode. I find it hard
to go out of insert mode just to edit my typos while typing.

Yes, it is. Didn't you try? If arrow keys don't work, maybe the termcap/terminfo on your system is buggy, or your $TERM set to a wrong value. If backspace and delete don't work, see also ":help :fixdel"

Secondly, I also wanrted to have Vi commands to be carried over to the
previous line. e.g., "db" should carry over to the previous line to delete
words. Similary backspace, left-right should also carry to previous line.
But it seems Vi does not allow anything to go past the <newline>.


        :help 'backspace'
        :help 'whichwrap'

Again, did you try? Here, repeating db deletes successive words backwards, carrying over line breaks. Of course, a _single_ db won't delete letters both after and before a line break, unless there is a count, because such letters aren't part of the same word.

Best regards,

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