On Sun, Oct 01, 2006 at 12:29:24PM EDT, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
> cga2000 wrote:


> I suppose it's explained under ":help :highlight" and below more than 
> anywhere else (sections 12 and 13 of syntax.txt -- it's rather lengthy); 
> but it's mainly something you have to "learn by doing".

I think I was unclear.

What I'm doing is using an existing colorscheme as a template.  

I proceed to make some changes to it while editing some sample file ..
Could be C code .. email .. python .. latex .. html whatever.  This
gives me instant feedback so I can see with my own eyes whether I have a
pleasant and "readable" shade of grey .. pink .. blue .. etc. 

Heck .. I use a 256-color xterm and well I'm working on it but I haven't
yet managed to memorize all of them .. color113 .. color178 .. I don't
even know if they're reds..  greens .. or blues.

I thought that doing it this way would make it a lot more easier than
coding a colorscheme from scratch and hoping for the best.

But then I went looking for a "save current colorscheme" feature and
didn't find one.  So I had to go through the hassle of figuring out what
I did by retrieving the successive commands that I issued.

Just another case of barking the wrong tree .. just editing the color
scheme in one half of my display .. saving it and loading the modified
version to check the results is just as quick and decidedly better than
issuing :hi commands manually since it ..

1. saves a good deal of typing  .. and .. 

2. once you're satisfied with the result .. you're done.  The last
   version of the colorscheme that you saved corresponds exactly to what
   you are looking at.

Thanks for helping me figure out a more sensible methodology.


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