Eddy Zhao wrote:
2006/10/2, A.J.Mechelynck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Dasn wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 01, 2006 at 01:37:53PM +0800, Eddy Zhao wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I'm use setting below to disable input method when enter normal mode
>>  inoremap <ESC> <ESC>:set imd<CR>
>> The setting works under window, but under linux the setting don't
>> take effect.
> Does ":set imd" take effect in Normal mode of your build? And you could
> use ":set imd?" to see if this option is avaliable in your build.

To see if the option is available and working (as opposed to defined but not
working in this executable version) use

        :echo exists("+imd")

The answer is zero for no (not working), nonzero (normally 1) for yes
(working). Similarly in a script:

        if exists("+imdisable")
                " do something
                " do something else

Best regards,

Hello tony,

":echo exists("+imd")" output "1"

Is there other things I can do to locate the problem?


I'm not sure, I don't use an IME myself. (When I need CJK characters in Vim, I either paste them from somewhere else, or use the Unicode number as said under ":help i_CTRL-V_digit".) But at least we know that you are supposed to have a functioning 'imdisable' option.

Well, let's see what I can find in the help. Maybe you already know most of it, but as they say, there is more in two heads than in one (which is why policemen ride horses ;-) ):

- Some IM servers require a helper application (usually a conversion server: kana-kanji for Japanese, pinyin-hanzi for Chinese, etc.)

- Vim (IM client), the IM server, and the conversion server if any, must all be configured in a compatible way. This may require settings in ~/.vimrc, in ~/.Xdefaults, in some shell startup script, and maybe elsewhere.

- Vim can use OverTheSpot, OffTheSpot or Root styles but not OnTheSpot.

- Vim can use a backend server or a frontend one. Windows usually uses backend, X usually uses frontend.

- If your IM server is one that Vim can fully control, you must define 'imactivatekey' according to what the IM requires. This is said to be only possible with the GTK versions of gvim at present.

- Other IM-related options are 'imcdline', 'iminsert' and 'imsearch'

- One of the possible ways to start the XIM (if properly configured) is from the right-click popup menu.

I think these are the most important things which I can abstract from the help. Since you know how to use the XIM, you may want to read section 7 (:help mbyte-XIM) of the mbyte.txt helpfile, while trying various settings until you get somethings that works.

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