Hi Bram and Vim gurus,

I wrote a little program to guess the encoding of a text file, and I
intend to use it with vim. (So it currently supports ASCII, Latin1,
GB2312, GBK, and Big5 files, but no UTF-x, since it might not be
necessary.) While trying to make it work together, I encountered some
problems. And I would like to know if there are answers to the
following questions:

* Is there a way in autocommand handler to tell whether the file
encoding is determined by fencs or ++enc? (I do not want a loop, nor
do I want to interfere a command already specified with an encoding.)

* Why keymap/accents.vim is opened as UTF-8 and fails the conversion
when fencs=ucs-bom,utf-8,cp936? (It is opened as Latin1 when
fencs=ucs-bom,utf-8,latin1, and this inconsistency is a little
annoying to me to determine in a handler whether the file is truly
encoded in UTF-8.)

* Is there a way to tell a user-defined command to have file name completion?

* Any better way to integrate a C++ program with Vim than
:system('command')? (There is a minimized command window, and the
delay is noticeable.)

Best regards,


Wu Yongwei
URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/

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