> -----Original Message-----
> From: A.J.Mechelynck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, October 02, 2006 7:44 AM
> To: Marius Roets
> Cc: vim@vim.org
> Subject: Re: Uppercase keywords
> Marius Roets wrote:
> > Hi Vimmers,
> > I have a big a (3000+ lines) source code file. The syntax 
> highlighting 
> > works perfectly, so all keywords are highlighted correctly. 
> Is there 
> > any way that I can use this fact to convert all keywords to 
> uppercase, 
> > or do I have to do them all one by one?
> > 
> > Thanks
> > Marius
> > 
> I think it should be possible to write a function or command 
> to put the cursor on each word in turn, determine if it is a 
> keyword, and depending on the result, do either nothing or 
> "normal gUaw" (without the quotes). You may want to do this 
> within a visual highlighted area (i.e., from mark `< to mark 
> `> ) or as a command accepting a range (like the :s command).

Right you are Tony, that is exactly how I wrote it.

SrchRplcHiGrp.vim  - Search and Replace based on a highlight group

Basic usage:
Place your cursor on the highlighted text.
It tells you what it found:
SRHiGrp - Group ID: 268  Name: vimLet

SRHiGrp - Group ID: 49  Name: Statement

Add the ! if you want the base color.

Then you can visually select the region you want, the plugin supports all 3
visual modes (characterwise, linewise and blockwise).

Then run:

It asks you for 2 pieces of information:
1.  What to match (via a regex) default is current word - '\(\w\+\>\)'
2.  What to do with the match.  The default is to UPPERCASE the match -

You can also use this plugin to just search for highlight groups using the
SRSeach command.

:h SRHiGrp

Enjoy, and please rate it if you find it helpful.
Feedback is always welcome.


finds - '\(\w\+\>\)'

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