Hello Aaron,

Now, if you want vim to write makefiles and things for you, that's
another story.  I have a feeling this is what you want - a step to
integrate "build these files".

No. I was looking into build systems for that. I'm very disappointed by
what's on offer though. I given Boost.build V2 a shot, but it is
over-complex. Or at least the documentation isn't good enough. I also
tried SCons. It seems alot more intuitive. But according to
http://www.gamesfromwithin.com/articles/0509/000100.html it is rather
slow (if that article is to be trusted). Jam is dead, but FTJam seems to
be alive. I think I'll try that next (but first check to see if they
have some decent docs).

Things like Eclipse / Visual Studio
have a "files listing" which is used to know which files to compile /
embed / whatever.  make does this just fine, and better, IMO, but
requires you to write a Makefile.

I have written makefiles in the past. However, I'd like to be able to
build my projects on several platforms. From what I hear the autotools
require you to read tons and tons of documentation.

I guess I could answer better if you defined what an IDE is to you.  I
get mixed answers on this when I ask people.  In short: you are trying
to use vim like tools you are used to.  It doesn't work that way.  vim
is vim.  It is not Eclipse.

I just used "IDE" to describe what I was thinking of. What I mean
exactly is that I simply want to have all those plugins nicely
integrated with keys mapped to them for easy access. As soon as I got
that (and found a decent build system), I'll be perfectly satisfied :)


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