On 10/9/06, Yongwei Wu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Gurus,

I have found another issue with Chinese and UTF-8 combined. When I
select 新宋体 (probably called NSimSun on your non-Simplified Chinese
Windows box) in gvim with encoding=utf-8, the result of typing `:set
guifont?' is:


(The `<d0>...<e5' part is in blue colour. D0C2, CBCE, and CCE5 are
exactly the GB2312/GBK code points for the three characters 新宋体.)

I cannot choose the font by typing `:set guifont=新宋体:h12', so
basically I cannot choose it in my _vimrc while using UTF-8.

I was not accurate enough. I was able to choose this font by:

 exec 'set guifont=' . iconv('新宋体', 'utf-8', 'cp936') . ':h12'

But I do not think it is a nice way.

Best regards,

Wu Yongwei
URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/

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