Peter Hodge wrote:
Hello Aaron,

You could do something like this:

  syn match Sel1 /^\.selector/ nextgroup=Items1 skipwhite
  syn region Items1 start=/{/ end=/}/ contained keepend
        \ nextgroup=Sel2 skipwhite skipempty

  hi Sel1 guibg=#000044
  hi Items1 guibg=#000044

  syn match Sel2 /^\.selector/ contained nextgroup=Items2 skipwhite
  syn region Items2 start=/{/ end=/}/ contained keepend

  hi Sel2 guibg=#004400
  hi Items2 guibg=#004400

That will get you started.


Black on dark blue, or black on dark green, won't be very visible. I'm throwing no bird names around though; if Aaron doesn't like the colours, he can change them.

See also ":help :hi-default": Highlight colours defined in a syntax script should have the "default" keyword, otherwise they will override anything a colorscheme might already have set for those same groups.

Best regards,

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