On Sun, Oct 01, 2006 at 04:59:43PM -0500, Calvin Waterbury wrote:
> Hello VIM,
> This is an addendum to my long previous post about "Pasteboard"
> The "Outline" feature is mainly intended to produce a much larger work, like 
> a book**.  The format that is in my present editor has a "gutter" on the side 
> which has listed the headings of the "chapters."  The active text ed window 
> only displays the contents of the heading selected.
> I realize and know how I can implement a work-around, but if this is 
> available or can be created, then it would be desirable.
> Best regards,
> Calvin

     I have not used it myself, but perhaps VimOutliner does (some of?)
what you want.


HTH                                     --Benji Fisher

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