Ok, the problem is in your .vimrc:

    " this only works if the "filetype plugin indent on" command precedes the
    " "syntax on" command
    let s:extfname = expand("%:e")
    if s:extfname ==? "f90"
        let fortran_free_source=1
        unlet! fortran_fixed_source
        let fortran_fixed_source=1
        unlet! fortran_free_source

If you don't start Vim with a .f90 file, then 'fortran_fixed_source' is set to
'1' and all .f90 files will try to highlight as fixed source (looking for
numbers).  You should put the block of code into your ftplugin/fortran.vim and
make it to use the buffer-local variables instead:


    " Don't do other file type settings for this buffer
    let b:did_ftplugin = 1

+   " use free source format for all .f90 files:
+   let s:extfname = expand("%:e")
+   if s:extfname ==? "f90"
+       let b:fortran_fixed_source = 0
+   else
+       let b:fortran_fixed_source = 1
+   endif


--- Kamaraju Kusumanchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wednesday 11 October 2006 19:31, Peter Hodge wrote:
> > At any rate, using ':setfiletype fortran' should fix the problem straight
> > away.
> No. This does not change the behavior. I cannot get the correct syntax 
> highlighting even after doing this.
> > The distributed ftplugin file for fortran sets a variable called
> > 'b:fortran_fixed_source' to let the syntax file know how to highlight.  The
> > 'bad highlighting' is because the ftplugin file isn't being executed (for
> > some reason?) and so the syntax defaults to using wrong highlighting (it's
> > looking for numbers at the start of each line). 
> This could be the reason. I have changed the default
> .vim/ftplugin/fortran.vim 
> quite a bit and might have messed it up somewhere.
> > Curiously, my Vim doesn't 
> > have a problem with opening a session and choosing the correct
> > highlighting, so I wonder if something in your custom ftplugin or syntax
> > files is preventing the distributed ftplugin file from detecting the
> > fortran format correctly? Is there any chance you could paste the contents
> > of your .vim/ftplugin/fortran.vim into an email?
> I think this list does not allow any attachements (my messages were not 
> delivered when I attached the files). So I posted 
> my .vimrc, .gvimrc, .vim/ftplugin/fortran.vim, .vim/indent/fortran.vim at 
> http://kamaraju.googlepages.com/vim_problems .
> Please forgive me for not "tidying up" those configuration files. But I hope 
> you guys wont have any trouble digging through them.
> Thanks for all the replies so far.
> raju
> -- 
> http://groups.google.com/group/ask-anything/about

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