On Fri, Oct 13, 2006 at 10:47:33AM +0100, Vigil wrote:
> >>Is it on the to-do list to make diffoff restore from previous values 
> >>rather
> >>than default ones, or is there already an option somewhere that toggles 
> >>the
> >>behaviour?
> >
> >    AFAIK you have to save the options before starting diff mode and
> >restore them later.  At least, that is the answer to the question you
> >asked.  Maybe if you give more detail about what you are trying to do,
> >someone can give a more helpful answer.
> I had a file open with foldmethod=marker, then I :vimdiff'd it against 
> another file, made my changes to the original file, then :q'd the second 
> file and :diffoff'd the first, but it was still using foldmethod=diff.

     I do not think that :vimdiff is a command.  Did you start a new
instance of vim from the shell with

$ vimdiff

or did you use some other command within vim?  I tried

:tab sp foo.txt
:set fdm=marker
:diffsplit bar.txt
" do some editing ending in bar.txt
:set fdm?

This is the expected behavior.

HTH                                     --Benji Fisher

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