Anthony Campbell wrote:
On 13 Oct 2006, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
Anthony Campbell wrote:
I'm sorry; I can't post to the list, although I can read it. (Feel free
to forward it.)

Just to say that I don't get spelling checked with html files either.

I. To post to the list, you must:

1. Subscribe to it. This is a two-step process, see

2. Send a message, in plain text only, to the list address (e.g., vim -at- vim -dot- org), "from" your subscribed address.

II. You didn't say whether 'spell' was set.

Best regards,

I know, I have subscribed, but my posts never appear. (This is not new;
it's been like that for many months.) I've tried unsubscribing and
resubscribing, but no luck.

Did you receive the confirmation email which was sent to you as an auto-reply when you sent a mail to vim-subscribe -at- ? And did you do what it said? (If you did, you should receive two copies of the present email.)

Is the "From:" line of your messages to the list identical to that on your two "subscribe" emails? (Messages "From" non-subscribed email addresses are silently discarded by the mail robot for the list).

Is the list address present in the "To:" or "Cc:" (not "Bcc:") line? ("Reply to Sender" on a post will never send to the list; "Reply to All" ought to).

Are your messages in plaintext only, with no HTML? (HTML messages are silently discarded as an anti-spam measure; they never make it to the list.)

And yes, spell is set and if I turn off html (set ft=text) it does work.
But if html is specififed nothing is spell-checked.


When I set 'spell', text (but not tag names or attributes) is spell-checked in my HTML files. If I ":setlocal ft=text", everything is spell-checked, and ":setlocal ft=html" brings it back to text-only.

What does it say when you do

        :verbose set spell?

(with the question mark), the active cursor being in a non-spell-checked HTML file?

Bset regards,

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