Meino Christian Cramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2006-10-14 14:10:19:
>  I myself use to update my vim source with the newest patches and
>  download the runtime files on a regular base. Furthermore I download
>  the newest CVS stuff from vim-ruby, the ruby support files for vim.
>  How can I simplify the update of my whole vim environment without the
>  need to look into each single file whether it is newer/older as
>  another file of the same name at another place and what version of
>  this file will work with what version of another file of the same
>  suit at shat place?
>  Keep hacking!
>  mcc

Tony's reply is precise and detailed, but that's not simple enough.

I simplyfy it to the following:

If you choose to put something in ~/.vim, then you'll always have to update
it yourself.

If there's something both in $VIMRUNTIME and ~/.vim, Vim will use the
version in ~/.vim.

So, if you want the vim distribution to update the script, just do not
custumize it in ~/.vim and keep the "official" version.

If you choose to do it yourself, just be aware what scripts you had in
~/.vim and update it when you feel it necessary.

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