As far as I know Vim cannot recognize the <Win> key (Please correct me if
I'm wrong). In fact, it isn't that difficult to type all those, so I'd
refer to keep the :cope window on all the time, and I have the habit to
input :w everytime I changed a new line. So all I need to do is to type
:make, which isn't complex and I don't need a short-cut for that. Note that
you need to set your 'makeprg' right.

However, if all you need is to make use of the <Win> key, KDE can be set to
something like the "4-modifiers KDE default", and that's the settings I'm
currently using that and I use <win> shortcut key on most KDE-related

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Robert Cussons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2006-10-16 15:45:47:

> This is brilliant, I've never used make from inside Vim before, please
> surpress your sniggers....As I am working on Linux with a microsoft
> ergonomic keyboard, I have an unused windows button or two, how would I
> map the right hand one to the same mapping as below, i.e. instead of
> F12? As KDE's control centre in the custom shortcuts returns Win for the
> windows button, I tried:
> map <Win+M> <ESC>:w<kEnter>:make<kEnter>:cope<kEnter>
> but it doesn't seem to do anything, how does Vim interpret the windows
> Many thanks,
> Rob.

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