Most commands may be separated by a vertical bar (|), see :help :bar
This will do what you want:
    :s/a/b/g | w | q

On Mon, Oct 16, 2006 at 01:34:31PM +0100, Tomas Lovetinsky wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to ask you for help with my problem. I think it is simple but 
> in fact I'm not able to find the solution as quickly as I need.
> I need to do sometink like
> :s/a/b/g :wq
> It means to substitute, write and close file.
> Is there any solution?
> Thank you all in advance
> Tomas Lovetinsky

Gregory H. Margo
gmargo at yahoo/com, gmail/com, pacbell/net; greg at margofamily/org

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