Perhaps you could use:

  map [ctrl-v][ctrl-left] :tabp<CR>
  map [ctrl-v][ctrl-right] :tabn<CR>

Except instead of typing 'ctrl-v' and 'ctrl-left' literally, you type those
combinations instead.  This will map the exact escape sequences that your
terminal is sending.


--- J A G P R E E T <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi There,
>    I have these mappings defined in my .vimrc file.
> map <C-t> :tabnew
> map <C-left> :tabp<CR>
> map <C-right> :tabn<CR>
> I'm using putty(terminal emulator) to access the unix server.
> The fist mapping works absolutely fine.
> The other two doesn't work at all and gives the error(E388: Couldn't find
> definition).
> Furthermore I checked <C-left> shows the definition for the variable under
> cursor.
> No clues why its not overridden from my mapping.
> When I changed map <C-left> : tabp<CR> to
> Map <F2> : tabp<CR>
> It works.
> Another point is the mapping(<C-left>, <C-right>) works if I use Exceed or
> x-Manager.
> I have no clue at all why its not working in putty.
> As far as I know for mapping at least; graphics support is not a must.
> Whats missing for this mapping in putty.
> Regards,
> Jagpreet 

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