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Ajay Gupta wrote:
> On 10/18/06, Gary Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Note that the messages say that configure is checking for tgetent in
>> termlib, termcap and curses.  They say nothing about checking in
>> ncurses.  If you want to use ncurses, you have to tell configure
>> that:
>>     ./configure --with-tlib=ncurses [<other options>]
>> As long as you installed ncurses in a standard place, you don't need
>> to say where you put it.
> Yeah, I tried this too. Since I installed ncurses with Yum, I am
> assuming that it must be installed in the right place. I get the
> following error with the above mentioned command:
> <snip>
> checking --with-tlib argument... ncurses
> checking for linking with ncurses library... configure: error: FAILED
> </snip>
> It surely looks like libncurses is in the wrong place. Does anyone
> know what are the exact library files and where they need to be?
> Here is the uname -a output from my machine:
> Linux altair 2.6.11-1.1369_FC4smp #1 SMP Thu Jun 2 23:08:39 EDT 2005
> i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
> TIA,
> Ajay
It seems your curses is not installed in the place where VIM is looking
for it. May be it is not installed correctly. Have you checked it?

Try to do this.
locate curses.h (or ncurses.h)
locate libncurses (or libcurses)

If out of any of this commans is nothing, your installation is faulty.
The directory of first output should go into CPPFLAGS and other should
go into LDFLAGS

like this:
anda=`locate curses.h`
export CPPFLAGS=-I`dirname $anda`
anda=`locate libncurses`
export LDFLAGS=-I`dirname $anda`

and then do ./configure

- --
Anupam Srivastava
Scientific Coworker
Universität Stuttgart

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