"Peng Yu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2006-10-14 05:59:29:
> map <F12> <ESC>:w<kEnter>:make<kEnter>
> Can some body provide some script to satisfy my more general
> requirement? I want press <F12>, then make is called. The error window
> will not be closed unless I do so. When I brower the error, the file
> where the error is from will be open automatically and the cursor is
> put in the error line?
> Thanks,
> Peng

for that simple, don't need any plugin:

map <F12> <ESC>:w<kEnter>:make<kEnter>:cope<kEnter>

You see, just add the :cope will do the trick.

Note that the cursor will be in :cope window then, you may need to press an
enter key to go into the first error. But what to do when there's no error?
then <CR> does nothing.

Is it possible to not to press the last enter key? It is not very convenient.


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