
I use vimdiff in gnome-terminal and sometimes in GUI, but the default color scheme (I found somehow it's not the same as the "colors/default.vim") sometimes use the same color for both foreground and background. Most of the color schemes in the colors directory do the same (same or indiscernible fg and bg colors)

I spent some time and found corresponding set the following for the c files I have at hand, so I add these lines in my .vimrc, but I guess I'll have to do the same for php and other languages I use.

highlight cConstant ctermfg=white guifg=white
highlight cString ctermfg=white guifg=white
highlight cNumber ctermfg=white guifg=white

Do these have something in common? I had to try a few times to find what they are...


Also, :help colorscheme  says

:colo[rscheme] {name}   Load color scheme {name}.  This searches 'runtimepath'
                        for the file "colors/{name}.vim.  The first one that
                        is found is loaded.

but somehow, none of my installations do that, if the first means alphabetically the first. Probably it'll be understandable if I look at the code, but just wanted to note here - in case someone has a ready answer.

Happy vimming,

Ben K.

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