On Sat, 21 Oct 2006 at 1:59pm, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

> Hari Krishna Dara wrote:
> > When maps for mouse clicks are executed, can we have the location (in
> > the form of line and column number) made available through v: variables?
> > I just observed that getchar() works even with mouse clicks, but this is
> > almost useless without knowing where the user clicked. Capturing mouse
> > clicks along with <expr> maps or getchar() can do wonders if the mouse
> > click position is also available.
> Good point, getchar() should somehow make the position of the click
> available.
> It's not that easy, since the click could be in any of the windows.  I
> suppose we need:
>       v:mouse_window
>       v:mouse_column
>       v:mouse_line
> The position could be in screen columns and lines, or in text column and
> line.  I suppose text position is more useful.  You wouldn't need the
> position of a click halfway a tab, right?

For most purposes the window and text position is all that matters, but
there can be some interesting possibilities if clicks outside any buffer
(such as at the command-line the way inputlist() works) can also be
made available (using something like v:mouse_region that can have
"window", "tab", "cmdline").

Thank you,

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