From: Benji Fisher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Plain TeX support ?
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2006 15:31:33 -0400

> On Mon, Sep 25, 2006 at 08:07:22PM +0200, Meino Christian Cramer wrote:
> > > [snip]
> > > > After I wrote my first TeX-text without Emacs/AucTeX spontaneous I
> > > > would say the following things are missing:
> > > > 
> > > > A Keystrokes to insert {\bf X }, {\it X \/} and such where X marks the
> > > >   cursor position after doing the keystroke.
> > > > 
> > > > B Interface to run TeX and a viewer (configurable) on the file one is
> > > >   editing which ensures, that the file on the HD is uptodate.
> > > > 
> > > > C Defintions to automatically map "<word>" to ``<word>'' and to remap 
> > > >   - in my case - german umlauts to the TeX-commandsequences. This
> > > >   should be done for any non-ASCII-character. Most of the bugs I had
> > > >   to remove while trying to tex my file were of such kind.
> > > > 
> > > > I have not proofen that this is not already implemented, I only read
> > > > the few lines of the help text for ft-tex-plugin. And didn't fiddle
> > > > with quickfix and such. May be quickfix can be misused for texing ?
> > > > Dont know. 
>      I am sorry to have left this alone for so long.  I have been busy.
> I spent too much time, shortly after the last note on this thread,
> trying to get the 'errorformat' right for plain TeX, then I did not have
> time to let you know about it.
>      I just posted a preliminary version of plaintex support at
> Please try it out.  If I get any feedback (from you or others) then I am
> more likely to improve it.
> A. I chose <C-B> for \bf and <C-T> for \it .  (Why not <C-I>?  Because
> vim sees that as a <Tab>, and I do not want to remap that.)  In Insert
> mode, you get {\bf }<++> or {\it \/}<++>, with the cursor inside the
> braces, and <C-J> will jump to the <++> marker.  In Visual mode, you get
> the Visual selection wrapped in "{\bf " and "}" or "{\it " and "\/}".
> In Normal mode, the word under the cursor is wrapped.
>      If you have similar requests, they are easy to add.
> B. Next version.  This is not too hard to do.  What viewer do you use?
> xdvi maybe?
> C. I map " (in Insert mode) to produce either `` or '' (or " if it is
> after a \ or in Math mode).  Do you also want something, maybe <C-Q>, to
> act like <C-B>, so that it will work in Normal, Visual, and Insert
> modes?
>      I have not tried it, but there is already a script that translates
> various non-ASCII characters into TeX commands.  I think it does the
> translation when reading and writing the file.  Unfortunately,
> is not responding right now, so I cannot give you a pointer.
> [snip]
> >  PS: By the way: Are you using Ruby, Benji? I know "The principle of
> >  least surprise" from programming Ruby...
>      No, I do not use Ruby.  I think the principle is older than that
> language.
> HTH                                   --Benji Fisher

Hi Benji,

 thank you very much for implementing this! I will test it... :O)

Keep hacking!


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